New study: Harder to get ahead in Oklahoma than most other states

The ‘American Dream’ is pervasive in our collective discourse and consciousness.  Rooted in the founding documents and political mythology of the United States, it evokes an ethos of equal opportunity, regardless of one’s social class or original circumstance.  It’s an… Read more [More...]

A step sideways: Bill to drug-test welfare applicants gets a make-over

A bill to clarify drug-screening procedures for TANF applicants has passed both chambers of the legislature and been signed by Governor Fallin.  TANF, or ‘Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,’ is a temporary public benefit that provides cash assistance and other… Read more [More...]

The conservative anti-poverty program

In all of the major income tax proposals this year (including the plan announced yesterday by Senate Republicans), the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has been targeted for elimination. That’s strange, because lawmakers have made no clear argument for why we should lose this… Read more [More...]

A Rock and a Hard Place: 'Asset-tests' and Oklahoma's poor

The federal ‘Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations‘ (FDPIR) program provides food assistance to low-income Native American households living in Indian Country.  Many households participate in FDPIR as an alternative to SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly the food stamp… Read more [More...]

The sure path to economic prosperity

What is the best course for strengthening Oklahoma’s economy and providing broad-based benefits for Oklahoma families? Proponents of cutting or eliminating the state’s personal income tax claim that doing so will boost the state’s economy. However, as University of Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

A ‘Culture of Poverty’ and Other Myths

This presentation was given by policy analyst Kate Richey, on 4/24/12 and discusses common myths surrounding poverty, data on people living in poverty in Oklahoma, and an overview of the structural barriers to moving up the economic ladder.… Read more [More...]

Four ways to find free tax help

The deadline to file your federal income tax return (April 17th) is fast approaching.  The Internal Revenue Service offers free tax help by computer, telephone, and in person.  Free tax preparation sites sponsored by community organizations and staffed by volunteers… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Elizabeth McNichol): The "Texas model" is hard to follow and not all it seems

Elizabeth McNichol is a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities specializing in state fiscal issues including methods of examining state budget processes and long-term structural reform of state budget and tax systems. This post originally appeared… Read more [More...]

For Oklahoma jobs, don't mess with success

This post is by OK Policy intern Emily Callen. Emily is a senior at the University of Tulsa, where she is pursuing a major in Biology and a minor in Economics. A longtime wonk-in-training, Emily has for years been boring… Read more [More...]

Watch This: Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope

Oklahoma has the highest rate of households with very low food security in the nation; 7.5 percent of the state’s households reported being hungry at times during the year because they could not afford enough food.  This six minute video… Read more [More...]