Watch This: Ending Hunger in Oklahoma Schools

One in four Oklahoma children are at risk of not having enough to eat, yet the state leaves over $400 million in child nutrition funding on the table each year because of our low participation in federal assistance programs. By… Read more [More...]

Our 10 most popular posts in 2017

When it comes to Oklahoma politics, 2017 was one of the most tumultuous and unpredictable in history. The year was consumed by a long, still unresolved showdown over the state budget and need for new revenues, with shifting coalitions, unusual… Read more [More...]

Spending labeled ‘non-instruction’ is wrongly characterized as waste (Guest post: Senator Ron Sharp)

Senator Ron Sharp is a Republican representing Senate District 17, which includes parts of Oklahoma and Pottawatomie counties. Senator Sharp is now in his sixth year in office. He is Vice Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Governor Fallin has requested… Read more [More...]

Another year goes by, and Oklahoma still leads the nation for cuts to education

Despite numerous promises by Oklahoma lawmakers that this would be the year they begin undoing K-12 education cuts and funding a desperately needed teacher raise, ultimately too many of our legislators refused to raise revenues. Unsurprisingly, a new update from… Read more [More...]

This district is all-in on school meals

It’s a tough time to be an educator in Oklahoma. Between low teacher pay, stretched support staff, and the deepest per pupil funding cuts in the country, there’s little wonder morale is low. At the same time, Oklahoma’s already-high poverty… Read more [More...]

Two big myths that distort Oklahoma’s education funding debate

For years now, how we fund our schools has been the number one controversy in Oklahoma politics. Education funding has been the subject of numerous bills and proposals, state, national, and international media coverage, and the largest Capitol rally in… Read more [More...]

What it will take for Oklahoma to avoid becoming a third world state (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Twenty-eight years ago, amidst a crisis in the Oklahoma economy, parents, teachers, business leaders and others told… Read more [More...]

Higher education funding cuts continue to drive up tuition and threaten college access

Another national report is calling attention to Oklahoma’s drastic cuts to funding for colleges and universities in recent years. At a time when a college education has never been more critical for individual prosperity and state economic development, funding decisions… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma already led the nation in cuts to K-12 education. Now we lead in cuts to higher ed too.

For several years now, Oklahoma has led the nation in cuts to state aid funding of K-12 schools by reducing state aid per student 26.9 percent since 2008. That’s almost twice as much as the next worst state, Alabama. The results… Read more [More...]

Time for teachers to use their outside voices (Capitol Update)

Steve Lewis served as Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1989-1991. He currently practices law in Tulsa and represents clients at the Capitol. Where are the teachers? I don’t blame the teachers who have decided to leave the… Read more [More...]