Families USA: Health Reform in Oklahoma – Building on a Solid Foundation

On September 22, 2008, the Oklahoma Health Care Reform Task Force heard a presentation from Kathleen Stoll, Deputy Executive Director of Families USA, a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. that brings the voice of consumers to federal and state… Read more [More...]

CAP Issue Brief: Covering All Kids: Expanding Health Insurance Coverage is a Wise Investment in Oklahoma’s Future

This issue brief was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  Expanding access to health insurance for Oklahoma’s children would have… Read more [More...]

CAP Issue Brief: Medicaid Basics – Facts to Keep Straight in the Reform Debate

This issue brief was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  Medicaid serves as America’s main safety net health insurer, providing… Read more [More...]

CAP Issue Brief: Oklahoma’s Uninsured – Who They Are and Why They Lack Insurance

This issue brief was produced for the Public Policy Department of the Community Action Project of Tulsa County under the direction of David Blatt, then Director of Policy at CAP.  Over 600,000 of Oklahoma’s 3.3 million residents have no health… Read more [More...]