Tribal-State Policy 101: Tribal Citizenship

A strong, mutually respectful relationship between the State of Oklahoma and the 38 federally recognized Tribal Nations in the state is vital to the well-being of all who call Oklahoma home. OK Policy will be publishing a series of articles… Read more [More...]

The 2023 legislative session included significant tribal-state bills and a respect for tribal sovereignty from state lawmakers

Oklahoma has the second-highest share of tribal citizens of any state, which helps shape the fabric of our state’s culture and communities. This year, the Oklahoma legislature demonstrated this influence by including and valuing Native Oklahomans and tribal leaders in… Read more [More...]

Medicaid expansion improved access to care for Indigenous Oklahomans

Leading up to when Oklahoma expanded Medicaid coverage, Oklahoma had a large uninsured population of American Indian and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). But as a consequence of Medicaid expansion and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority’s (OHCA) inclusion of — and consultation… Read more [More...]

Tribal-state coordination to prioritize Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare is one way to improve child well-being

Note: References to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) in this article will focus on the federal laws, unless otherwise specifically referencing Oklahoma’s state laws related to the Indian Child Welfare Act. — As a state with a high population… Read more [More...]

Tribal health systems need more resources to fight public health emergencies, but there are still long-standing barriers that need to be addressed

Tribal health’s innovation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic benefitted all Oklahomans, yet tribal citizens experienced disproportionate hardships. These disparities should be addressed through better resources, data collection, and addressing long-standing discrimination and underinvestment. [More...]