Why Saving The Income Tax Is Critical For Oklahoma

  1. Income tax provides one-third of all state revenue. The state could not provide essential services without the income tax unless other taxes were drastically increased.
  2. Plans to shift away from income tax would take more from those already struggling to get by. Proposals to end broad tax preferences like the personal exemption and sales tax relief credit would result in low and moderate income seniors and families with children paying more while wealthy households pay less. Shifting to higher sales and property taxes would also disproportionately harm struggling families.
  3. Ending the income tax is not the path to prosperity. Oklahoma already has lower unemployment and stronger income growth over the last decade than six out of the nine states with no income tax, including Texas. Far more important to economic development is a healthy and educated workforce, public safety, and transportation infrastructure—all of which require investments made possible by the income tax.

What You Can Do Today

  1. Get Informed. Resources to learn more about the income tax debate are freely available athttps://okpolicy.org/take-action
  2. Contact Elected Officials. Let your elected representatives and the top officials who are making decisions on taxes and the budget know how you feel. Your voice can be heard!
Speaker Kris Steele (405) 557-7345 krissteele@okhouse.gov
Rep. Earl Sears, Chair of House Appropriations and Budget committee (405) 557-7358earl.sears@okhouse.gov
Senate Pro Tem Brian Bingman (405) 521-5528 bingman@oksenate.gov
Senator Clark Jolley, Chair of Senate Appropriations Committee (405) 521-5622jolley@oksenate.gov
Governor Mary Fallin  (405) 521-2342 click here to email the Governor
Find your state legislators’ contact information here and see how to contact Governor Fallin here. You can also reach your legislators through the House switchboard at (405) 521-2711 or 1-800-522-8502  and the Senate switchboard at (405) 524-0126 or 1-800-865-6490.

CLICK HERE for the PDF version of this Fact Sheet


Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.

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