Recent Articles

Early Childhood Fiscal Map

For a project funded by Smart Start Oklahoma, Oklahoma Policy Institute developed a fiscal map of the federal, state, local, and private supports for young children in our state. Read more... [More...]

Should Oklahoma Raise the Alcoholic Beverage Tax?

Taxes on activities that negatively impact the public good, sometimes known as “sin taxes,” are one form of taxation that has historically received widespread support. An OK Policy issue brief makes the case that increasing Oklahoma’s tax on alcoholic beverages… Read more [More...]

10 Things You Should Know About Oklahoma’s Budget and Tax System

Here are ten facts to help anyone better understand Oklahoma’s budget and tax system. A great conversation starter! Download the fact sheet, or click on any of the links for additional information from one of OK Policy’s publications 1) Oklahomans… Read more [More...]

Flip It to Fix It: An Immediate, Fair Solution to State Budget Shortfalls

Contact: David Blatt,, (918) 794-3944 Shannon Moriarty,, (617) 824-0069 United for a Fair Economy Releases Flip It to Fix It: An Immediate, Fair Solution to State Budget Shortfalls, Documents Current Regressive State Tax Structures A new study has… Read more [More...]

FY 2012 Budget Highlights

OK Policy’s FY ’12 Budget Highlights provides one page of major policy points and 5 pages of detailed graphs and tables on the state budget, including: Annual state appropriations history, FY ’00 – FY ’12 Annual General Revenue collections, FY… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Individual Income Tax Basics

A new fact sheet from Oklahoma Policy Institute explains the basic of Oklahoma’s individual income tax. The income tax is the largest source of state revenue, making up about one-third of all tax collections. The fact sheet explains three important… Read more [More...]

When government gets too small (Tulsa World)

Original at  by Wayne Greene, Tulsa World David Blatt, director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, made an interesting argument that state government is getting too small Friday morning at the Dilly Deli. During a recession that has caused consecutive… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Policy Institute press revenue options to avoid agency cuts (CapitolBeatOK)

Original at,_Oklahoma_Policy_Institute_press_revenue_options_to_avoid_agency_cuts by Patrick McGuigan, CapitolBeatOK Over recent weeks, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has asked for ideas on avoiding further budget cuts for state agencies. Oklahoma Policy Institute, a “think tank” based in Tulsa, has responded with a list… Read more [More...]

Institute suggests options for protecting services (Associated Press)

Original at By Tim Talley, Associated Press A research group that studies state policy issues said Wednesday budget writers should consider closing income tax loopholes, eliminating some sales tax exemptions and tapping non-appropriated state revenue to prevent potentially drastic… Read more [More...]

Protecting Core Services: Revenue Options for a Balanced Budget

With next year’s certified revenues over $500 million less than current year appropriations, deeper budget cuts that could seriously impact the well-being of Oklahoma businesses, families and communities are looming. An OK Policy issue brief makes the case that in… Read more [More...]