Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.
Contact: David Blatt, Director
Office: (918) 794-3944; Cell: (918) 859-8747
OK Policy Forecasts Show Continued Tough Budget Times Ahead;
“Incomplete Recovery” Calls for Fresh Perspectives and New Strategies
(Tulsa, November 21, 2011): New budget forecasts prepared by Oklahoma Policy Institute… Read more [More...]
This 1-page fact sheet summarizes racial disparities in unemployment in Oklahoma. Black workers in the state were unemployed at more than twice the rate (13.1 percent) of white workers (5.9 percent) in 2010. These disparities are persistent and deeply entrenched… Read more [More...]
An OK Policy issue brief explains why proposals from some state leaders to repeal or reduce the state’s income tax are ill-advised. Its main findings:
The income tax is the single largest state revenue source, accounting for nearly one of… Read more [More...]
This paper, recently released by Oklahoma Assets, explores the critical role of credit in helping Oklahomans maintain financial security and build assets for a prosperous future.
Access the full issue-brief: “Affordable Credit in Oklahoma: Asset-building and Financial Security”
Or read… Read more [More...]
This presentation was delivered by OK Policy before the Joint Committee on the Federal Health Care Law on October 25, 2011.
Exchange Presentation… Read more [More...]
by Justin Martino, eCapitol
(eCap) According to David Blatt, director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, Oklahoma is not on the path to show sufficient adequate progress in creating a state insurance exchange by January 2013.
On a list of core… Read more [More...]
This post is by OK Policy intern Emily Callen. Emily is a senior at the University of Tulsa, where she is pursuing a major in Biology and a minor in Economics. A longtime wonk-in-training, Emily has for years been boring… Read more [More...]
Contact: David Blatt, Director
Office: (918) 794-3944; Cell: (918) 859-8747
Projections that the new federal health care law will impose billions of dollars of additional cost on the state budget are way out of line with other studies and based… Read more [More...]
In 2004, Oklahoma voters approved a series of measures that created the Oklahoma Education Lottery (SQ 705 & SQ 706), authorized and regulated tribal and racetrack gaming (SQ 712) and increased tobacco taxes (SQ 713) to generate new revenues to… Read more [More...]
Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Governor Fallin’s announcement of her plan for repairing Oklahoma bridges:
We welcome Governor Fallin’s focus on fixing Oklahoma’s crumbling bridges. However, we must note that her proposal would be paid… Read more [More...]