Recent Articles

Special Election

Oklahoma law (Title 26, Sections 12-101 ff.) provides for Special Elections to be held when vacancies arise in the office of a member of Congress, the Legislature, or county commissioner. The Governor must call a special election within 30 days… Read more [More...]

Emergency certification

Emergency certification is a process for Oklahoma school districts to fill a position when there is no candidate available who meets the state’s certification requirements. To be approved for emergency certification, a district must go through an application process proving… Read more [More...]

Stop a New Predatory Loan Product – Oppose HB 1913

HB 1913 (Rep. Kannady/Sen. Leewright), the Oklahoma Small Loan Act, would create a new predatory loan product in Oklahoma, known as a Small Loan. These loans would allow interest to be charged at an annual rate of over 200 percent,… Read more [More...]

Budget cuts would hit Oklahoma’s small towns hard

Atoka Public Schools Schools is a district that serves 996 students in K-12, employing 70 teachers and professional staff and 127 total employees. Since 2009, it has seen its funding decrease by $500,000. This year, it is one of 100… Read more [More...]

Support A Better Budget Blueprint to Save Our State

A strong and prosperous Oklahoma depends on communities and families that thrive with the help of quality schools with good teachers, well-maintained infrastructure, safe streets and  neighborhoods, and public works like state parks, libraries, and arts initiatives. We can’t wait… Read more [More...]

Update: Rainy Day Fund 101

Last week, news broke that the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) had borrowed money from the Rainy Day Fund to make budget allocations to state agencies. The fund had a beginning balance of some $243 million, and OMES… Read more [More...]

Halt the next income tax cut – SB 170

As a result of continued declines in state revenues, another cut to Oklahoma’s top income tax rate will not be triggered in 2018. However, unless legislators take action this year, the top income tax cut rate could kick in automatically as… Read more [More...]

Ensure Better Information is Available about Who Pays Taxes – HB 2209

HB 2209 (Rep. Marcus McEntire – R. Duncan/Sen. AJ Griffin – R. Guthrie) is good legislation that would help promote better tax policy decisions in Oklahoma by ensuring that legislators and the public know more about who pays taxes and… Read more [More...]

Meet the new additions to our staff and board

Oklahoma Policy Institute is pleased to announce the addition of Courtney Cullison to its staff and Susan Chambers, MD to its Board of Directors. Courtney Cullison has been hired as a policy analyst focusing on issues of economic opportunity and… Read more [More...]

For the first time, lawmakers were found guilty of supplanting lottery funds for schools

Along with all of their other budget challenges, lawmakers this session will need to allocate an additional $10.1 million for the Education Lottery Trust Fund as the result of a determination made last month that lottery funds had been used… Read more [More...]