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Flat funding still means cuts for Oklahoma’s core services

In crafting a budget in the face of a large drop in available revenue, lawmakers this year made a sincere effort to minimize cuts to key agencies in the areas of education, health, and safety. Whereas most agencies took cuts… Read more [More...]

An easier target

An earlier version of this post appeared as a column in the Journal Record. One day when I was in junior high, some friends and I came across a schoolyard fight between two of our classmates. A number of children… Read more [More...]

Former Bellmon top advisor, non-profit director join OK Policy board

Oklahoma Policy Institute is pleased to announce that Andrew Tevington, who served for many years as a top advisor to Governor Henry Bellmon, and Felicia Collins Correia, whose experience includes over 25 years as CEO of major non-profit organizations in… Read more [More...]

The state budget deficit is not just oil prices

Oklahoma lawmakers are now struggling to write a budget with $611 million less revenue available than what was appropriated last year. It’s easy to blame falling energy prices and accompanying job losses for the shortfall – until we recall that… Read more [More...]

No, halting the tax cut doesn’t need a supermajority

Unless the Legislature acts to halt it, the state’s top income tax rate will fall from 5.25 to 5 percent next January based on legislation passed last session, SB 1246,  that tied the top rate cut to a revenue trigger.… Read more [More...]

House bill threatens Oklahoma’s Promise

In today’s economy, a college education is more important for finding a good job and earning a decent income. Yet for children of low- and moderate-income families, the cost of higher education can be a substantial barrier to enrolling in… Read more [More...]

Uncertain future for third grade reading reforms

One year ago, parents and educators organized a powerful campaign to amend a state law that would have automatically retained thousands of 3rd-grade children who failed a standardized reading test. In response, the Legislature passed a bill temporarily revising the… Read more [More...]

Federal Money As Promised (FMAP)

It’s rare that Congress finds bipartisan consensus on important issues, but that happened last month when the House approved health care legislation that includes an extension of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Last night the bill was overwhelmingly… Read more [More...]

Medicaid back on the chopping block

As the Oklahoma Legislature enters the final months of session, state agencies and the populations they serve are bracing for another round of painful budget cuts. A stark example of the high stakes involved in this year’s budget shortfall is… Read more [More...]

Halt the tax cut

Note: This is an updated and expanded version of a column that ran in the Journal Record. Faced with a $611 million budget shortfall, elected leaders have many tough decisions to make. But one decision should be easy: halting a… Read more [More...]