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The Weekly Wonk: Honoring veterans, examining Medicaid expansion and more

This week we observed Veterans Day and honored the men and women who have served to preserve our freedom by advocating for policies that help them and their families get ahead. [More...]

Medicaid block grant proposal would be ill-advised (Capitol Update)

There may indeed be an "Oklahoma plan" for Medicaid worth considering, but hopefully the governor won't propose an ill-advised block grant scheme that will fail legal muster and, without Congressional approval, will almost surely never be implemented. [More...]

This Veterans Day, honor those who served by helping them get ahead

Oklahoma is home to more than 260,000 veterans, and good policy choices like restoring the Oklahoma Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) would help them and their communities be economically stable.  [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Tennessee’s Medicaid block grant proposal examined, historic week for criminal justice reform, and more

Across the country, states are using Medicaid waivers to seek alternatives to simple Medicaid expansion and limit who can access health care. [More...]

Tennessee waltzes down the wrong path with Medicaid block grant proposal

Rather than tilting at windmills with a legally questionable approach that poses serious threats for the state’s Medicaid population, our state should focus on tried and tested ways of improving access to care and health outcomes for Oklahomans. [More...]

Oklahoma taking step towards recovery from ‘war on drugs’ (Capitol Update)

With these recent changes, 462 Oklahomans have a shot at a new life due to the wisdom of their neighbors who voted for SQ 780 and to legislators who voted to make right some wrongheaded war-on-drug policies from the past. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Uninsured rate for Oklahoma children remains stalled, fines and fees examined, and more

A new national report shows the number of uninsured Oklahoma children held steady last year, however the rate remains significantly higher than the national average. [More...]

One Extremely Lucky Guy: David Blatt’s farewell remarks

I can honestly say that being part of this organization for 12 years, and leading it for the past ten, has been the great honor of my life. [More...]

New report shows number of uninsured children rising in Oklahoma

The report found that 8.2 percent of Oklahoma children in 2018 did not have health insurance, up from 8.1 percent the previous year. [More...]

Senate committee hears proposals to reform fines and fees (Capitol Update)

Last week the Senate Judiciary Committee, at the request of Chairperson Sen. Julie Daniels (R-Bartlesville), held an interim study on an important criminal justice reform issue: Using the criminal justice system, including incarceration, to collect court-imposed fines, costs, fees, and assessments. [More...]

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