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County jails in Oklahoma face immense risk from COVID-19

As the state grapples with this pandemic, overcrowded and under-resourced jails present enormous risk to rural hospitals and to the state’s most vulnerable communities who are typically jailed at disproportionate rates. [More...]

Finding an upside of recent budget battle (Capitol Update)

Other than budget measures, how much legislative action will occur between now and the end of May is still uncertain. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Thousands speak out against Gov.’s health care plan; tax equity needed; and more

Statement: Thousands of Oklahomans speak out against Governor’s health care proposal; Oklahoma’s working families need a tax cut; Economic recovery payments will help many, but not all. [More...]

‘Safe at Home’ slows virus outbreak, but endangers domestic violence survivors (Guest Post: Molly Bryant)

As Oklahoma families hunker down in their homes because of the COVID-19 outbreak, many domestic violence advocates are bracing for the increase in family violence. While essential for public health, the so-called “safe at home” policies have isolated domestic violence survivors with their abusers under tense conditions making them, ironically, less safe at home. [More...]

Cash is a pressing need right now — economic recovery payments will help many, but not all

Relief packages that don’t reach everyone in need will result in increased need and a slower recovery, and that’s bad for all of us.  [More...]

Oklahoma’s working families need a tax cut. Here’s why

Contrary to talking points from state boosters, Oklahoma is not a low tax state for all Oklahomans. Our regressive tax system ensures that low-income Oklahomans pay more in taxes, as a share of their income, than high-income taxpayers. [More...]

Emergency relief, policy changes urgently needed for child care in Oklahoma

Child care providers cannot sustain this critical resource, and families will struggle to keep their children safe, without urgent emergency relief and critical policy changes. Ten state organizations crafted a series of recommendations for how to address child care in Oklahoma. [More...]

Politics at the center of recent budget empasse (Capitol Update)

Thus, began one of those standoffs the public finds distasteful. Without knowing exactly what's going on behind the scenes, we usually just blame both sides and consider it politics as usual. Yes, this is politics, but it's also the way our democracy works. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Gov.’s health care proposal ‘bad choice’ for Oklahoma; shoring up unemployment; and more

Gov. Kevin Stitt’s health care proposal is a bad choice for Oklahoma; the Federal Government has taken significant action to shore up the unemployment insurance program — and there’s more Oklahoma can do; Oklahoma’s prisons and jails require executive action to combat COVID-19.  [More...]

More must be done for justice-involved children amid COVID-19 pandemic

While many areas of public concern have been at the forefront of local media coverage, juvenile justice has received far less attention. As our state leaders work to address this pandemic, we cannot leave behind Oklahoma children in custody. [More...]

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