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Bill Watch: Quieter year expected on the tax front

Some of the fiercest battles of recent legislative sessions have centered on tax policy as lawmakers debated competing tax proposals to limit funding cuts and provide teachers a raise. This year, thanks to a strong economy and recent tax increases, the state's budget outlook is greatly improved. Yet even if the stakes are lower, lawmakers still filed hundreds of bills this session that would revise Oklahoma's tax system. [More...]

OK PolicyCast 43: 2019 Bill Watch, Part 1

It's a new year, a new Legislature, a new governor, and many new bills that could have a big impact on Oklahomans' lives. In this episode, Gene Perry talks to OK Policy's Executive Director David Blatt and Policy Director Carly Putnam about the big issues we're keeping an eye on this year related to the state budget, taxes, and health care. In a future episode, we'll talk about other bills we're tracking related to education, criminal justice, and economic opportunity. [More...]

Oklahoma’s Medicaid agency should withdraw plan to terminate health coverage over returned mail

For many low-income Oklahomans, having a place to call home isn’t something you can take for granted. Many families struggle with high rent, frequent evictions, unstable family environments, and more. Now, the state Medicaid agency, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), has proposed a new policy to terminate coverage for families who move and don’t update their address quickly enough in agency records. [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Mental health policy fellowship; don’t delay pre-K; teacher walkout message ignored…

Applications launched for the 2019-2021 cohort of the Mental Health Policy Fellowship. Why delaying Pre-K under Senate Bill 11 would be a step back for Oklahoma's most vulnerable children. How a lack of funding forces thousands of families raising a child with a developmental disability to wait over a decade for critical services. Resources to help you follow what’s happening and in the Legislature. [More...]

We’re hiring! Apply for the Mental Health Policy Fellowship

OK Policy is excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the 2019-2021 cohort of the Mental Health Policy Fellowship through March 1, 2019. The Mental Health Policy Fellowship is intended to equip professionals in Tulsa and the greater Oklahoma community to be passionate, knowledgeable advocates for mental health and addiction policy reforms. [More...]

Hurry Up and Wait: For thousands of families, critical services can be a decade away (Guest Post: Erin Taylor)

There is a certain amount of hustle commonly involved in raising a child with a developmental disability.  As parents, we’re managing special education plans, medical appointments, and specialty therapies. But there is one experience where endurance, and not hustle, is called for: The Waiting List. [More...]

SB 11: Delaying Pre-K would be a step back for Oklahoma’s children

[Image Source: U.S. Department of Education / Flickr] SB 11 would move cutoff dates for children entering pre-K from September 1 to July 1. Oklahoma would be the only state to have a cutoff before July 31st. The change would delay pre-K eligibility by a year for children who are two months shy of the new cutoff date. SB 11 would particularly hurt low-income families and children of color who benefit most from pre-K programs. [More...]

Statement: Governor’s State of the State address and budget propose some positive steps but leave out major needs

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement on Governor Stitt's State of the State address and proposed budget. [More...]

Oklahoma’s 2019 legislative session starts today. Here’s how you can help Oklahoma make progress.

Oklahoma's 2019 legislative session kicks off at noon today. OK Policy provides numerous tools and well-researched information to help you follow what's happening and advocate for better policies in the Legislature. [More...]

Expectations running high for new legislative session (Capitol Update)

Like most others, I’m feeling positive about the new legislative session. It’s sort of like just before the first game of the season every year. No wins, no losses, but lots of possibilities with expectations running high. We are fielding… Read more [More...]

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