How the tax incentives war puts states in a terrible bargaining position

Last week, 17 of the top business executives from the Kansas City area made an unexpected request to the governors of Kansas and Missouri – they asked to end tax incentives for their businesses. The letter describes competing incentives as… Read more [More...]

The 5 percent solution?

After two straight years of cuts, the state’s budget situation remains dire. Despite the economic recovery and improving revenue collections, the state faces a huge shortfall for next year. The substantial non-recurring revenues that were used to balance the budget… Read more [More...]

Bill would raise taxes for 1 million low-income Oklahomans

As we pointed out in an earlier post, there is more than one way to cut taxes. We can do it in a way that mostly benefits those with the highest incomes, as is the case with cutting the top… Read more [More...]

Medicaid block grant proposal would hurt states, consumers and providers

The U.S. House or Representatives is expected to vote tomorrow on a federal budget proposal for the coming year that would —  among other things —  force drastic cuts to Medicaid that would harm Oklahoma seniors, people with disabilities, and… Read more [More...]

Quick Take: March revenue collections

Yesterday, State Finance Director Preston Doerflinger announced that March General Revenue (GR) collections came in 9.3 percent above March 2010 and 10.5 percent above the certified estimate.  This marked the 11th straight month that GR showed improvement over the prior… Read more [More...]

Where Angels Fear to Tread: Oklahoma wades back into immigration debate

Immigration is back on the agenda in Oklahoma, four years after passage of  HB 1804, a law intended to give the state new powers to stem illegal immigration.  The issue is once again highly contentious, as Oklahoma wades further into… Read more [More...]

A tale of two closing funds, the Chinese Communist Party, and genetically modified mice

As the state continues to grapple with severe budget shortfalls, Gov. Fallin’s agenda has mostly involved regulatory changes and managing additional cuts to state services. Yet the governor does have one major new program on her wish list: a deal-closing… Read more [More...]

I don't need it but I'll take it – Revisiting oil and gas tax breaks

A recent news report examining proposals to limit the federal tax deduction for charitable giving concluded with a comment that gets to the crux of the debate over tax breaks: As one donor explained, he doesn’t give to charity to… Read more [More...]

From Poland to Chicago to Oklahoma: Reflections on immigration and citizenship

Note: These remarks were originally delivered by  Alice Blue upon receiving the Tulsa Coalition of Hispanic Organizations Annual Thanksgiving Award in November 2010. Alice  is a Senior Planner with the Community Service Council of Tulsa. I come to this gathering… Read more [More...]

Happy Anniversary, ACA

Today is the one-year anniversary of President Barack Obama signing into law the landmark Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Many of the most far-reaching provisions of the health care reform law – including the launch of new health insurance exchanges for… Read more [More...]