The Super Bowl of Fear…Every Day

Over the last few decades, an increasing number of average Americans have become investors in the stock market. This has been viewed as a positive thing, sometimes too much so. There have even been seriously proposed concepts that would have individuals’ retirements entirely linked to the market. These ideas seem like complete folly in light of the last year. In fact, more and more people are starting to question whether they even want to be in the market or whether mass investing by Americans is a good idea.

The reality is, most of the working class American investors are long-term investors. We put money in a 401k or into an IRA or even into a regular brokerage account, but we buy with the intention of slowly and steadily building on our initial investment. Most of us weren’t in it for a quick buck or even to get rich over time. We were in it for long-term stability and security in our retirement. We need to remember that we still are.

As I watch the news reports of the market, I can’t help but think that we have lost sight of our initial strategy. We weren’t the people who were in this for a quick buck. We weren’t the day traders. We shouldn’t take a short term view of the losses either. I turn on MSNBC and it seems as if every day is the event of the century. It is Ali v Forman and Evel Knievel jumping the Snake River Canyon all wrapped up into one. It is almost like a college game-day event or super bowl coverage.They have a pre-game show before the markets open, the game is from the opening to the closing bells, and then there is post game commentary and highlights. All they are missing are the tailgates and the shirtless guys with the painted chests.

I know that these are very serious and scary times, but not every day the market is open is critical to your financial future. Remember, we are in this for the long term.


Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.

One thought on “The Super Bowl of Fear…Every Day

  1. I agree and would add that I think this is another byproduct of news packaged so that our media can sell advertising regardless of the validity content (i.e., with sensationalism instead of genuine analysis.)

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