Spending limit proposal is a solution in search of a problem

Oklahoma lawmakers are considering a proposal, HJR 1011, that would change the state constitution to lower the amount by which legislative appropriations can grow from one year to the next.  After looking at state spending patterns in recent years, it’s… Read more [More...]

Running government like a business means taking on debt

In recent years, debt seems to have become a dirty word in the Legislature. Lawmakers have refused to approve bonds for amenities like the unfinished American Indian Cultural Center in Oklahoma City and the proposed OK Pop Museum in Tulsa,… Read more [More...]

And In This Corner: The Senate tax plan

Last year’s monumental tax debate was marked by a slew of competing proposals to reduce and potentially abolish the state’s personal income tax. Some of the plans tried to make up for some or all of the lost revenue by… Read more [More...]

Current Budget Information

This Budget Information page and the OK Policy blog provide you the key resources you need to make sense of where things stand with the state budget, follow emerging developments, and explore ideas for managing the state fiscal crisis. Read more... [More...]

Governor Fallin’s tax cut would do little to nothing for the average Oklahoman

In her State of the State address, Governor Fallin unveiled yet another proposal to cut Oklahoma’s income tax. Her plan is drastically scaled back from last year’s proposal, which attempted to stretch out Oklahoma’s tax brackets, cut the top rate… Read more [More...]

The dangers of cherry-picking facts

In a recent column for the Journal Record, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs President Michael Carnuccio discussed Oklahoma’s latest Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The column was headlined “Fact are stubborn things.” Unfortunately, it left out many of the facts.… Read more [More...]

A closer look at Governor Fallin’s FY 2014 budget

On Monday, Governor Mary Fallin delivered her State of the State address and presented her FY 2014 Executive Budget. As we noted in our public statement, the Governor has proposed much more modest tax cuts than she did last year… Read more [More...]

STATEMENT: Governor’s proposed budget falls far short

Oklahoma Policy Institute released the following statement in response to Governor Fallin’s state of the state address and budget proposal: It is a positive sign for Oklahoma that the Governor has significantly scaled back her tax cut proposal from last… Read more [More...]

A low tax state for who?

Like most state tax systems, Oklahoma takes a much larger share from middle- and low-income families than from wealthy families, according to the fourth edition of “Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States,” released… Read more [More...]

Action Items for Oklahoma: Creating a 21st Century tax system

A new issue brief released today is the first of a seven part series by OK Policy to propose public policy action items for Oklahoma. These recommendations are aimed at improving the shared prosperity of all Oklahomans while maintaining a… Read more [More...]