Action Items for Oklahoma: Tax Reform

This is the first of a seven part series by Oklahoma Policy Institute to propose public policy action items for the state of Oklahoma. These recommendations are aimed at improving the shared prosperity of all Oklahomans while maintaining a fiscally responsible state budget. Read more. [More...]

The tax shift returns

Yesterday, Senator Patrick Anderson (R-Enid) filed legislation to replace Oklahoma’s income tax with a flat tax of 2.95 percent. Anderson’s bill would do away with Oklahoma’s current tax brackets and eliminate all income tax deductions, credits and exemptions, including credits… Read more [More...]

Revenue forecast confirms need for continued caution

In late December, the Board of Equalization certified a preliminary estimate of the revenues available for next year’s budget. The numbers confirm that while the worst of the fiscal crisis is now far behind us, the state remains in the… Read more [More...]

A response to The Oklahoman

A shorter version of this article was submitted to the Oklahoman as a letter to the editor. The version below was originally submitted as an op-ed, which The Oklahoman declined to publish.  A recent Oklahoman editorial takes issue with a… Read more [More...]

The incredible disappearing gross production tax

With all the attention last legislative session on the failed attempt to do away with the state personal income tax, a potentially bigger story seems to have escaped most people’s notice: the effective disappearance of the gross production tax. This… Read more [More...]

Cliff, slope, or hostage crisis?

Since the election, Washington DC has been consumed by debate over the “fiscal cliff,” a number of large spending cuts and tax increases set to take effect at the beginning of next year. Due to the spending cuts, Oklahoma would… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Michael Lipsky): ALEC’s and Arthur Laffer’s worthless recommendations for prosperity in the states

Michael Lipsky is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos. This post originally appeared on the Policy Shop blog. For most of its history ALEC has operated in the background, but its influence recently drew the spotlight when its promotion of… Read more [More...]

Quick take: On track for another flat budget year

Yesterday’s announcement of General Revenue (GR) collections for October shows that the state is on track to bring in about the same amount as in FY 2012. Overall GR in October was $439 million. This is $30.9 million, or 7.6… Read more [More...]

Online Sales Tax: While Rome burns and Congress fiddles, states can act

The problem of untaxed Internet sales is gaining new prominence.  As we wait on Congress for a permanent fix, there are actions that Oklahoma can take immediately to create a more level-playing field for our local brick-and-mortar businesses. The Oklahoma… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Wade Patterson): SQ 766 provides special treatment to some at the expense of others

Wade Patterson is the Garfield County Assessor. For more information on State Question 766, click here As the County Assessor for Garfield County, I’m afraid that the solution to the issue of taxing intangible property being presented to the voters… Read more [More...]