Tax Breaks: Setting out the case for and against

Note: The Task Force for the Study of State Tax Credits and Economic Incentives, created by HB 1285, is meeting over the interim to scrutinize tax credits. This blog post excerpts an OK Policy issue brief from last year titled… Read more [More...]

Preliminary FY 2013 budget outlook shows continued challenges ahead

Oklahoma’s fiscal situation presents an apparent paradox. We have now seen state tax collections rise for five consecutive quarters and exceed prior year collections by 10.5 percent. At the same time, the state budget is still being cut. This year’s… Read more [More...]

Up or down?

The Office of State Finance today released General Revenue collections for July, the first month of FY ’12. Total collections were $385.0 million, which was $14.9 million, or 4.0 percent above July 2010, and $17.0 million, or 4.6 percent, above… Read more [More...]

Weather Break: Understanding the debt ceiling deal

Now that default has been averted and the agreement to raise the federal debt limit has been signed into law, attention here in Oklahoma has shifted, at least temporarily, from politics back to the weather (or, from the debt ceiling… Read more [More...]

New report shows tax flight is a myth

Gov. Fallin and other state leaders have set a long-term goal to eliminate Oklahoma’s income tax. One reason frequently offered by opponents of the income tax is that it will encourage people and businesses to move to Oklahoma from other… Read more [More...]

Play It Again: Private sector suffers, too, from public sector decay

Anyone following the news finds daily stories of the public sector under assault.  Across the nation and in Oklahoma, cuts to state government continue into their third straight year, while in Washington, the rhetoric around budget cuts has reached a… Read more [More...]

FAA shutdown proves business taxes aren’t always passed on to consumers

With Congress unable to agree on a bill to extend operations of the Federal Aviation Administration, the agency has been partially shut down since last Friday. Numerous construction projects were halted, nearly 4,000 federal workers have been furloughed, and $200… Read more [More...]

Under the Microscope: Task Force begins work scrutinizing tax credits

The Oklahoma tax code is riddled with some 450 ‘tax expenditures’ that reduce state funds by exempting or giving back tax payments for favored groups and activities. Despite widespread rhetoric about the need for serious reform of  tax expenditures, eliminating… Read more [More...]

The pros and cons of managed competition

This post is by Courtney Baker, a summer intern with Oklahoma Policy Institute. Courtney is a senior at Oklahoma State University majoring in political science. In June, government workers at Tulsa’s city hall successfully fought to keep their jobs in… Read more [More...]

How the Rainy Day formula requires us to make mistakes

Last Monday, State Finance Director Preston Doerflinger announced that the state would be depositing $219 million in the Constitutional Reserve Fund (commonly referred to as the “Rainy Day Fund”) this year. Seen alongside news that lawmakers had to overcome a… Read more [More...]