Oklahoma Poverty Profile 2011

Poverty in Oklahoma reached a six-year high in 2011, according to data released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The data revealed that more than one in six Oklahomans – and almost one in four children – now live… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Poverty Profile 2011

Poverty in Oklahoma reached a six-year high in 2011, according to data released last month by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The data revealed that more than one in six Oklahomans – and almost one in four children – now live… Read more [More...]

What We're Reading: Harold Meyerson on 'What happens if labor dies?'

Over the past several decades, income growth for most American families has been weak or non-existent. Between 1979 and 2007, incomes for the top 1 percent of households grew more than the bottom 90 percent. Incomes for the top 1… Read more [More...]

Interview with Bob Friedman: Our asset policies 'reward the rich, miss the middle, penalize the poor'

Last week, I attended CFED’s 2012 Assets Learning Conference, a biannual national gathering of practitioners, researchers, and advocates working to promote economic opportunity and fight poverty for low- and moderate-income Americans through savings, investment and ownership. Following the conference, I… Read more [More...]

Richard Cordray: "The marketplace is hostile to those in poverty."

These comments were excerpted from a speech given by Richard Cordray, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, at the 2012 Assets Learning Conference, a biannual gathering on asset-building hosted by CFED (Corporation for Enterprise Development) in Washington D.C. The… Read more [More...]

New Census data shows many still left out of Oklahoma's prosperity

Almost 1 in 4 Oklahoma children lived in families that fell below the poverty line in 2011, according to new Census Bureau data released today. The poverty rate for Oklahomans under 18 was estimated at 23.0 percent in 2011, an… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Kathy Ruffing): Why is labor force participation shrinking?

Kathy Ruffing is a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), specializing in federal budget issues. A previous version of this post appeared on the CBPP’s Off the Charts blog. With monthly jobs reports making the… Read more [More...]

New Census data shows poverty rate holds steady; young adults benefit from health reform

The number of Americans living in poverty remained unchanged in 2011, following three straight years of increases, according to new data from the Census Bureau released today.  The current poverty rate is still at the highest level since 1993, with… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma CountySTATS 2012

These factsheets provide quick and colorful access to key demographic, economic, and social indicators for each county in Oklahoma.  Get important county-level statistics – as well as statewide rankings and comparisons – at a glance.  Counties are listed in alphabetical… Read more [More...]

Summer Re-Run: When "business-friendly" regulations are bad for the rest of us

Yesterday, an Oklahoman editorial made the case that many of Oklahoma’s job licensing requirement are unnecessary and harmful to consumers. We made a similar argument in this blog post, originally published in February 2011. One theme of Gov. Fallin’s State… Read more [More...]