New measure provides insights into poverty and public programs

Earlier this fall, the Census Bureau released its annual report on poverty in the United States. In 2010, 15.1 percent of Americans, or 46.2 million persons, lived below the poverty level, which was $22,050 for a family of four. Among… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s Black-White Unemployment Gap

This 1-page fact sheet summarizes racial disparities in unemployment in Oklahoma.  Black workers in the state were unemployed at more than twice the rate (13.1 percent) of white workers (5.9 percent) in 2010.  These disparities are persistent and deeply entrenched… Read more [More...]

Angela Glover Blackwell: 'Equity is the superior growth model'

This blog post was excerpted from remarks by Angela Glover Blackwell, founder and CEO of PolicyLink, during the opening session of PolicyLink’s 2011 Equity Summit in Detroit, Michigan.  The speech presented a new framework for creating an equitable economy.  Click… Read more [More...]

Affordable Credit in Oklahoma: Asset-building and Financial Security

This paper, recently released by Oklahoma Assets, explores the critical role of credit in helping Oklahomans maintain financial security and build assets for a prosperous future.  Access the full issue-brief: “Affordable Credit in Oklahoma: Asset-building and Financial Security” Or read… Read more [More...]

Financial security for Oklahomans: The critical role of affordable credit

Access to credit has become a necessity for modern American living, touching virtually every aspect of our lives. Many consumers need credit to buy a house or a car, get an education, pay for medical expenses, or start a business. … Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Sara Amberg): A forecast we can't ignore

Sara Amberg is Manager of Agency Capacity Building of the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. The day before the February 2011 blizzard plowed through the Midwest, I heard a meteorologist report that he had never seen every radar system,… Read more [More...]

Six strategies to promote financial security for families

Everyone manages money almost every day.  Often we wonder how to better manage our money when it seems there is never enough.  CareerBuilder surveyed 3,900 American workers and found that more than six-in-ten workers – 61 percent – live paycheck… Read more [More...]

Poverty rises in Oklahoma; children especially bearing the brunt

Update: Click here for our 2010 Poverty Profile based on the Census Bureau data Despite Oklahoma’s comparatively modest unemployment rate and steady wage growth over the last two years, many of the state’s low income residents continue to be left… Read more [More...]

Early Childhood Fiscal Map

For a project funded by Smart Start Oklahoma, Oklahoma Policy Institute developed a fiscal map of the federal, state, local, and private supports for young children in our state. Read more... [More...]

Interview with Chad Wilkerson: Oklahoma economy still looking 'pretty solid'

Continuing high unemployment rates, weak economic growth, and stock market volatility are all contributing to concern and uncertainty about the national economy. But how’s Oklahoma faring in these turbulent times? I recently spoke with Chad Wilkerson, the Oklahoma City Branch… Read more [More...]