Public spending "provides the very foundation for a functioning free market economy"

In a blog post last summer, we took issue with the polarizing concept of “the government versus the private sector”.  We argued that you cannot have a vibrant, productive private sector without government undertaking a whole array of activities that… Read more [More...]

Promoting financial security: Matched savings account programs

This post is adapted from an upcoming issue brief on savings from Oklahoma Assets, a statewide coalition committed to promoting financial security. Click here for other OK Policy blog posts on assets and financial security. Most Americans recognize the value… Read more [More...]

OK Policy Roundtable: Should the state of Oklahoma be promoting marriage?

OK Policy recently featured a guest blog post from Scott Stanley about the Family Expectations Program, which is part of the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative. As part of the job application process, OK Policy’s two recently hired policy analysts also created… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma should act on new opportunities to aid the long-term jobless

“There’s no excuse for states to let 100 percent federally funded jobless support just die on the vine,” said Christine Owens, Executive Director of the National Employment Law Project. “This is a no-brainer for states to help their workers, businesses… Read more [More...]

Poverty Status of Oklahoma’s Children and Families

View a presentation delivered by David Blatt to a Forum on Children in Poverty hosted by St. Charles Borromeo Church in Oklahoma City, March 13, 2011.  Oklahoma Families and Children in PovertyClick here to download the presentation Oklahoma Families and… Read more [More...]

When “business-friendly” regulations are bad for the rest of us

key One theme of Gov. Fallin’s State of the State speech was that we should eliminate regulations to make the state more business-friendly. A common refrain from members of the business community is that environmental and safety regulations are too onerous.… Read more [More...]

Guest Blog (Scott Stanley): A promising approach for strengthening disadvantaged families

Scott Stanley is a research professor at the University of Denver, co-Chair of Research Advisory Group for the Family Expectations Program, and co-developer of the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) which forms part of the basis of the Becoming… Read more [More...]

Experimenting with Savings: The SEED for Oklahoma Kids study

Saving money for college can have wide-ranging benefits for young people and families. Savings help pay for college expenses, which assists students stay in college and complete their education. Just as importantly, savings can have an important motivational effect in… Read more [More...]

A different take on poverty

Ron Haskins, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, was this month’s speaker at DHS’ Practice and Policy Lecture Series. Haskins looked at causes and offered solutions to the persistence of poverty in the United States. He attributed poverty to four… Read more [More...]

How many football stadiums would it take…

Last week, the US Department of Agriculture released its annual report on household food security. They found that for the 3-year period from 2007-09, an average of 15.2 percent of Oklahoma households experienced food insecurity, which means that they “had… Read more [More...]