Oklahoma Policy Insititute (OK Policy) advances equitable and fiscally responsible policies that expand opportunity for all Oklahomans through non-partisan research, analysis, and advocacy.
On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have… Read more [More...]
On February 17, 2009, the Board of Equalization met and certified a revised, binding estimate of revenues available for appropriation in the upcoming budget year, FY ’10. With the national economic downturn now hitting the state, the Legislature will have… Read more [More...]
Governor Brad Henry delivered his Executive Budget for the upcoming year, FY ’10, on February 2, 2009. Despite declining state revenues, the Governor was able to present a balanced $7.084 billion budget without tax increases, across-the-board budget cuts, or use… Read more [More...]
(Oklahoma City – January 29, 2009) Two new bills introduced for the 2009 legislative session by a bipartisan pair of legislators would provide financial relief from the rising cost of groceries for families in Oklahoma who are struggling.
HB 2204,… Read more [More...]
Oklahoma has now joined the vast majority of states that are projecting shortfalls for the upcoming budget year. As Governor Henry prepares to deliver his FY ’10 Executive Budget for the opening of the 2009 legislative session next week, OK… Read more [More...]
Original at http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20081217_16_A19_OLHMIY987151
OKLAHOMA CITY – Groups that work with low-income families urged lawmakers Tuesday to increase a sales-tax credit to offset the cost of groceries.
David Blatt of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, who was joined by about 20 organizations,… Read more [More...]
(Oklahoma City, December 16, 2008) – Organizations from across the state are calling on the Oklahoma Legislature to strengthen the Sales Tax Relief Credit, a move that would provide much needed and ongoing benefits to families and individuals struggling to… Read more [More...]
In the fall of 2004 Oklahoma voters approved three controversial revenue-raising measures that offered the promise of increasing state funding for key public services: a state lottery (SQ 705 and SQ 706), gaming compacts (SQ 712), and tobacco tax increases… Read more [More...]
The availability and cost of health insurance rank among the most worrisome issues facing OKlahoma families and among the most pressing challenges confronting Oklahoma policymakers. This fall, the Oklahoma Health Care Task Force has been meeting to examine the crisis… Read more [More...]
(Oklahoma City, October 6, 2008): Policymakers looking for opportunities to help struggling Oklahoma families should consider expanding two existing tax credits targeted to low- and moderate-income Oklahomans, according to a pair of policy briefs released today by the Oklahoma Policy… Read more [More...]