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Legislature should address fines and fees system that harms families (Capitol Update)

The Legislature faces a troubling challenge in attempting to limit the reliance of law enforcement agencies and the courts on fines and fees owed by defendants in criminal cases. As the state faced budget gaps or added programs without funding… Read more [More...]

There are many reasons to call a special session and, contrary to claim from the Governor’s office, no reasons not to.

Gov. Stitt’s office recently told one of my colleagues that the Governor could not call a special session for a single purpose, implying he was powerless to call lawmakers together to address the mounting human and economic damage from the… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Public deserves opportunity for public comment | Fines & fees system harms families | ‘Pretty please’ isn’t enough

Public being denied opportunity for input about significant change to Oklahoma health care policy; Oklahoma’s fines and fees system worsening the economic crisis for families and courts; Managed care will have a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities; Policy Matters: When ‘pretty please’ isn’t enough. [More...]

Managed care will have a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities

About this Series This is the third of three analysis pieces about the plan to introduce managed care organizations (MCOs) to oversee Oklahoma’s Medicaid program. Part one focused on managed care being a bad investment for Oklahoma, and part two… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma’s fines and fees system worsening the economic crisis for families and courts

Oklahoma’s fines and fees system worsening the economic crisis for families and courts Although Oklahoma courts suspended most of their activities back in March, they have continued to collect fines and fees. So far this year, about $33.7 million in court debt has been collected from felony and misdemeanor cases alone, compared to about $40 million collected by this time last year. [More...]

Juvenile justice is an investment to help youth (Capitol Update)

Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) Executive Director Rachel Holt announced the hiring of Bryan Heil as superintendent of the agency’s new “Next Generation Campus.” The secure care (residential) treatment facility for youth who have committed a criminal offense is to… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: SQ 805’s defeat doesn’t signal end of justice reform efforts | Census numbers require more context

OK Policy announces Angela Monson as Outreach and Legislative Director; SQ 805’s defeat doesn’t signal end of justice reform efforts (Capitol Update); Policy Matters: Census numbers require 99.9% more context; Notes and numbers. [More...]

OK Policy announces Angela Monson as Outreach and Legislative Director

The Oklahoma Policy Institute announced it has hired former Oklahoma lawmaker Angela Monson to help engage Oklahomans and elected officials with its work to make our state a place where everyone can thrive.  [More...]

SQ 805’s defeat doesn’t signal end of justice reform efforts (Capitol Update)

Supporters of criminal justice reform are surely feeling the sting of defeat after Tuesday’s 61 percent to 39 percent loss of State Question 805. The measure would have banned enhancing penalties for a second or subsequent conviction for nonviolent offenses.… Read more [More...]

The Weekly Wonk: Voters have spoken, but issues remain | Moving forward together after election | Election notes and numbers

The voters have spoken, but issues remain; Enid News & Eagle: Accept election results and work to help country; Election news and notes. [More...]

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