Homelessness in the Long Run: Why Oklahoma needs long-term solutions

This post was written by OK Policy summer intern Tyler Parette, a political science major at Oklahoma Christian University. Tyler will be studying international relations at the University of Oxford this fall. “Did that man bother you?” asked the woman… Read more [More...]

Oh SNAP: Food assistance program errors at record low

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP for short, sometimes referred to as food stamps) is a lifeline in Oklahoma, providing food assistance to nearly one in six Oklahomans. Now a new report shows that the error rate for SNAP is… Read more [More...]

Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition: Building self-sufficiency and prosperity (Guest Post: Christy Finsel)

Christy Finsel is an enrolled tribal member of the Osage Nation and the Coordinator of the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition.  She has been engaged in asset building research and program design and implementation since 2003.  Oklahoma is home to thirty-nine… Read more [More...]

Why tracking school readiness matters (Guest Post: Krista Schumacher & Naneida Lazarte Alcalá)

Naneida Lazarte Alcalá is a Research Manager with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Oklahoma State University. Krista Schumacher is a Senior Researcher with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. She is working… Read more [More...]

The economic case for tax cuts is in shambles

When it comes to the role of taxes and public services in the economy, we too often engage in an ideological debate that changes no one’s mind. One side talks about the importance of investing in schools, roads, and public… Read more [More...]

Schools alone can’t overcome poverty. They need a community.

We need a whole community to meet the needs of the whole child.The community school model is a cost-effective, national reform strategy that seeks to do just that. [More...]

Read This: The Bluest Eye

On the state Senate floor in the waning hours of the final day of the 2014 legislative session, Sen. Josh Brecheen (R-Coalgate) read a passage from Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye as part of his effort to derail Common… Read more [More...]

New school meals program can help kids in poverty

Oklahoma is a hungry state. A 2011 study ranked Oklahoma 15th nationwide for food insecurity; one in six Oklahomans lacks consistent access to adequate food. And food insecurity is higher for children than adults: one in four children was food-insecure… Read more [More...]

Shedding some sunlight on Oklahoma’s new solar and wind energy law (Guest Post: David Ocamb and Whitney Pearson)

David Ocamb is the Sierra Club, Oklahoma Chapter Director and registered lobbyist.  Whitney Pearson is the Associate Organizing Representative for the Beyond Coal Campaign in Oklahoma.  Governor Fallin recently signed into law SB 1456, which repeals the prohibition against utilities… Read more [More...]

Paying a poverty tax: The high cost of being poor in Oklahoma

Camille Landry is a writer, activist, and social justice advocate who lives in Oklahoma City.  This post is part of our “Neglected Oklahoma” series, which tells the stories of Oklahomans in situations where the basic necessities of life are hard… Read more [More...]