Legislators have an opportunity to make a down payment on the state’s future

Oklahoma is in a unique position this year to make a downpayment on the future of our state. Premature tax cuts will set the state up to fail; investments will allow us to thrive.  [More...]

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed gaps in services to vulnerable communities, particularly immigrants

Immigrants have had to bear the pandemic without much federal aid due to complicated rules around eligibility for public benefit programs, limited access to health care, economic limitations, and a variety of other factors. At the state level, Oklahoma did comparatively little to support immigrants as well. [More...]

Smart investments are the key to an equitable economic recovery from the COVID-19 recession

While macroeconomic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (the size of an economy) and the unemployment rate (the percentage of people who want work but can’t find it) are useful for measuring the overall health of an economy, they conceal inequalities and long-standing structural challenges that hurt many Oklahomans' ability to provide for themselves and participate in our economy.  [More...]

COVID-19 worsened an existing crisis for child care in Oklahoma

Due to underfunding, Oklahoma’s child care system for providers and families was in crisis long before the first COVID-19 case at a child care center was reported on March 18, 2020. [More...]

Evictions are returning to pre-pandemic levels. That’s not a good thing.

Unless action is taken, Oklahoma evictions will return to problematically high levels. Now is the time for policymakers in our state to adopt bold new policies that give renters the support and protections they need to stay in their homes and communities. [More...]

All Oklahomans pay taxes, but not all of us can reap the rewards

Allowing these workers the opportunity to receive the tax credit can put money back into our state and local economies. Our state should end state-level EITC exclusion for ITIN filers who pay their fair share in taxes and allow them to receive the tax credit they’ve earned.  [More...]

Oklahoma families need economic support following the ending of the expanded Child Tax Credit

In this year’s legislative session, it is more important than ever that we respond to the needs of Oklahomans and invest in an economy that works for everyone. For far too long, corporations across the state have enjoyed tax breaks and cuts while 1 in 5 of our state’s children grow up in poverty. [More...]

The fiscally responsible way to reduce taxes on groceries

Lawmakers should consider significantly expanding the Sales Tax Relief Credit that would provide targeted tax relief to Oklahomans who need it, cost less revenue, and give lawmakers more flexibility to raise revenue in the future.  [More...]

“Long COVID” increases the urgency for a state paid family and medical leave program

Given the reasonably anticipated increase in need for employment accommodations due to COVID-related symptoms, Oklahoma’s Legislature should act now to create and implement a state paid family and medical leave program that will support job and paycheck stability to workers caring for their own or their families’ long COVID-related conditions. [More...]

Oklahoma hasn’t always been inclusive of our immigrant communities. It’s time to change that

Oklahoma’s immigrants want their families to thrive, but frequently, unnecessary barriers keep them from being able to realize their full potential— both for themselves and their contributions to our communities. [More...]