OK Policy Unveils Policy Priorities for 2022 Legislative Session

Based on feedback from residents statewide, the Oklahoma Policy Institute has developed legislative policy priorities for the upcoming 2022 legislative session that can help Oklahomans live healthier, raise thriving families, and ensure the safety of their communities.  Following the conclusion… Read more [More...]

A Better Path Forward: A Budget and Tax Roadmap for Oklahoma

A Better Path Forward is a comprehensive report from the Oklahoma Policy Institute detailing how the state cut nearly a quarter of the state’s budget capacity and the implications of those decisions. [More...]

Evictions as big business: Handful of companies responsible for vast majority of Oklahoma eviction filings

Oklahoma’s long-standing eviction crisis has been slowed by the infusion of millions of dollars in rental assistance during the last year and a half. While it’s heartening to see major investments in keeping people housed, the eviction process itself is broken, and we need to make it work better for both tenants and landlords. [More...]

Oklahoma’s children deserve better: Leveraging federal aid and policy solutions to improve child well-being

Related factsheet: ARPA and Child Well-Being in Oklahoma (May 2021) From school and child care closings to economic disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed many gaps within our state’s systems that support children and families. As we look toward recovery, it… Read more [More...]

Turning the tide on evictions: Using federal aid, support to reduce Oklahoma’s eviction crisis

Evictions are lower than they were before the pandemic, but Oklahomans still experience housing insecurity at alarming rates [More...]

KIDS COUNT 2021: Smart policy decisions can help improve Oklahoma’s dismal child well-being outcomes

Oklahoma children need housing, food, health care, educational opportunities, and stable, nurturing environments to succeed. These essentials, however, are out of reach for many Oklahomans as the result of poverty, structural racism, and other barriers. [More...]

Working families got a little of the help they needed this session

Families are the backbone of our society and economy, but too many Oklahoma families cannot keep up. Many Oklahoma jobs pay less than a quarter of what it takes to support a family. [More...]

We have better options than a costly and poorly-targeted income tax cut

Lawmakers should set aside both of these bills and have a broader discussion about whether it's more important to broadly cut taxes than to provide public services, invest in our state’s future, save for the next economic downturn, or provide better-targeted tax reduction. [More...]

Well-designed paid family and medical leave programs assist working families

While paid family and medical leave policies are standard in nearly every country, the U.S. is one of only eight countries in the world (and the only “developed” country) to not guarantee access to paid family and medical leave. However, nine states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that provides paid family and medical leave to most employees. [More...]

Paid Family and Medical Leave is a crucial step towards modernizing our economy

Despite its benefits, access to paid family leave is not widespread, especially for lower-wage families. To improve Oklahomans’ health and increase the labor force, the Oklahoma Legislature should guarantee paid family leave benefits to our state’s workers. [More...]