Working families got a little of the help they needed this session

Families are the backbone of our society and economy, but too many Oklahoma families cannot keep up. Many Oklahoma jobs pay less than a quarter of what it takes to support a family. [More...]

We have better options than a costly and poorly-targeted income tax cut

Lawmakers should set aside both of these bills and have a broader discussion about whether it's more important to broadly cut taxes than to provide public services, invest in our state’s future, save for the next economic downturn, or provide better-targeted tax reduction. [More...]

Well-designed paid family and medical leave programs assist working families

While paid family and medical leave policies are standard in nearly every country, the U.S. is one of only eight countries in the world (and the only “developed” country) to not guarantee access to paid family and medical leave. However, nine states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that provides paid family and medical leave to most employees. [More...]

Paid Family and Medical Leave is a crucial step towards modernizing our economy

Despite its benefits, access to paid family leave is not widespread, especially for lower-wage families. To improve Oklahomans’ health and increase the labor force, the Oklahoma Legislature should guarantee paid family leave benefits to our state’s workers. [More...]

Oklahoma’s children need funding to recover from the COVID-19 crisis

If we want Oklahoma’s children to recover quickly from the COVID-19 crisis and grow up to be healthy, thriving adults, then now is the time to increase our investment in the programs that provide the stability that our children need. [More...]

This year we can improve our social insurance programs to encourage work and support working families

Every one of us will suffer if we don’t help those whose income, health, and food security have been most damaged by the pandemic. We have the means to provide that help, but we must find the will. [More...]

Our new benefits simulator helps families understand assistance programs and helps support better policies

OK Policy’s simulator is a menu-driven Microsoft Excel worksheet in which users input details about a family to see how assistance programs help them at various hours of work and hourly wages. [More...]

New report shows the importance of assistance programs to Oklahoma families

The report shows how many Oklahomans need assistance from these programs and how the programs lift many out of poverty. It shows how programs interact to make resources available to families. [More...]

Oklahomans deserve state leadership

As a state, we can and must do a better job of protecting those around us. Through personal choices and a commitment from our leaders, Oklahoma can work together to save lives. [More...]

New KIDS COUNT® pandemic policy report shows immediate action needed for Oklahoma children and families

All children in Oklahoma deserve to have their basic needs met, especially during these unprecedented times. Unfortunately, data from a new KIDS COUNT® report show that too many Oklahoma families are struggling to weather this public health crisis. [More...]